Monday, February 11, 2013

Back in 1985 the State of Missouri gave authority to "municipal Government" to restrict a Constitutional right which existed since the founding of the State Constitution in Art.1 Sec.23 realted to firearms. This year 2013 there is a bill working its way through the Missouri Houuse HB420 by Representative Paul Curtman and one in the Missouri Senate SB268 by State Senator Brian Nieves to restore this right which should have never been taken away. I hope when the time comes for these bills to move through the process all patriots will join in contacting their elected officials to encourage the process. The people want to see the restoration of freedom and libertes.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

2nd amendment rights

Since the Bill of rights was created the enemies of freedom have restricted, infringed, prohibited and banned the rights we were given by the founding fathers of our country. Enough is enough. Even down the local level in Missouri now "Municipal Government" can and does pass "local' laws to infringe on our second amendment rights under the Bil of Rights and despite Art.1 Sec. 23 of the Missouri Constitution. This must be corrected! Bills introduced in the Missouri legilslature last year were amendmended after passage in Committee and others never even had a hearing. Without 2nd amendment rights others will soon follow into history! Throughout the histroy of the human race when the people lose their rights to keep and bear arms they fall to the sword. History repeats itself over and over again. This must not happen in America! I and others stand to defend our rights!